I am not going to deny that I have a soft spot for gear made by DBR Custom Gear. They just never disappoint. Some time ago I started using their SMB-45D waist belt. My opinion? It was pure pleasure, not only functional but also aesthetic one.
The overall design of the belt is nothing new and has already been seen in products created by such legends as Ronin Tactis. A low-profile SMB-45D offers two-layer system with soft inner belt (40mm) and tactical load-carrying outer belt (44mm) equipped with narrowed MOLLE straps. Both layers are secured by Velcro fasteners – a smart solution which not only ensures better stability of the outer belt but also allows for quick and easy removal of the outer belt along with all the gear mounted on it.
SMB, however, differs from competitive products and is much more than just another two-layer tactical belt. First and foremost, the entire outer belt, including MOLLE webbing, has been constructed from Cordura, hence it is available in a variety of colors and camouflages. Furthermore, the design of the outer belt allows for attaching more gear to it than in the case of typical belts. Original Inverted Length Adjustment system makes it possible to “hide” the excess material under the outer belt instead of rolling and fastening it next to the buckle. Such solution saves space, offers smooth and slick profile of the belt, and provides extra security to e.g. pistol holster. In contrast to typical solutions, here the belt excess is not a problem, it neither protrudes nor dangles. The stiffness of the outer belt also seems to be optimal.
SMB-45D features a high quality AustriAlpin® Cobra® buckle with D-RING to which e.g. cowstails* may be attached. We may choose between this version and SMB-45L with D-ring being replaced by soft, horizontal belt loop.
Finally, the quality of materials used, paying attention to details and general craftsmanship are simply masterful. Just have a look for yourselves.
SMB-45D by DBR Custom Gear in details:
Our rating:
+ solid construction,
+ two-layer, modular system,
+ variety of camuflages/colors,
+ easthetic look, high quality, exceptional attention to details,
+ high-quality buckle,
+ easy adjustment, clever solution to the hanging belt excess,
+ comfort.
– no attestation*.
Products by DBR Custom Gear can be ordered directly at the producer’s site dbrcustomgear.com
/Translated by Coral/